Friday, June 4, 2010


" Just a small town girl...LIVING IN A LONELY WORLD!" ( Belting To Journey Heals The Soul)

So I am always writing. Anywhere and everywhere. Showing my deepest emotions never really comes easy for me, so I write. Because somehow everything becomes easier on paper. And if someone gets a laugh, or can say " So..I'm not alone" from my day to day experiences or thoughts, then that's just a nice little bonus ;)

Whoever said " Where words fail, music speaks"...Apparently knew my heart personally.

Apart from random thoughts, stories, poems and whatever else pops into my head, I also write songs. Though they never see the light of day due to my annoyingly stubborn, analytical mind that just won't budge. I can be quite the perfectionist when it comes to my art, in any form. So I guess the hope that one day I might get past that flaw will have to do for now.

But until I can either write a song that's worth it to me to share or just not be so critical of the ones I've already written, I will share some of the singers/Bands/Songs that are already out there, the ones that are already popular and I just want to brag on, or some of the ones that don't get enough recognition. :)

C'est la vi....Shelly <3

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